Wednesday 2 September 2015

Australia - Sydney! Day One

Hello everyone.

On the first day of my trip to Australia we landed in in our first stop Sydney, via Hong Kong. After a long 16+ hour flight we finally got to Darling Harbour where we were staying for the next few nights.

The weather was quite chilly as it's their winter. I wasn't expecting it to be as chilly as it was as its Australia although, out of the wind it was a bit warm! Enough about the weather though....

Our first stop was breakfast and we ate at a place called Nick's. It had nice pancakes and included a view of the river and Wheel.

Then it was time for a bus tour! It took us all around the city. My favourite part was seeing the bridge and Opera House!

We had a pretty early start the next day for the Blue Mountains so we all had a hot drink as we were cold from the bus and had a couple of Tim Tams then went to bed early!

Next stop - The Blue Mountains.


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