Hello everyone! On the last day of Disneyland I got up a bit later. Everyone went to breakfast but, it was my mission to meet Malificent after failing at meeting the Villains after It's Good To Be Bad. So I headed straight for Fantasyland on my own.
It was quite a foggy morning which, made for a great atmosphere around the vines with the smoke where you meet her. The queue didn't take as long which was good. I told her I had lunch with Sleeping Beauty the day before and she wasn't impressed that I didn't tell her where she was! I love the character interactions. I also asked for a selfie which she didn't know what that was, so I said a self portrait - go on then...she said. Selfies at Disneyland are so fun to take with the characters, their reaction is priceless! Also if you are queueing on your own just ask a cast member normally in a red jacket to take the photo for you, they take so many!
I then went to the beginning of the parade route and waited for Princesses to swap at the Pavilion (a tip I learn't from ThatDisneyLover). It was much colder this day so they were out in their winter clothes. They moved so fast from the entrance to the Pavilion so please excuse some blurry-ness in these next few photos but just thought I would show you them.
It was then time for the Halloween parade. The last time I would see it this trip and it was a good spot as they had change the way the parade route went starting at Main street.
This was the 1pm parade so it was time for lunch! We were eating in Colonel Hathi's Pizza Outpost. I have never been in here before. I loved the music but there wasn't much on the menu that I wanted so I went to Hakuna Matata.
It was then time for shopping! I went to Frontierland as I knew there was a cart there with all the things I needed on. Halloween Minnie and a Minnie Mouse hat I tried on. I can't believe I never went on Haunted Mansion this year. I then looked in the shops down Main Street and then it was time to leave. I also went to Disney Village for one last look and Santa Fe's gift shop. It was sad saying goodbye as it was the best trip yet.
I hope to get my next trip booked in asap! I also hope you enjoyed these blog posts about my trip! I have so many more photos that I plan on adding to my website soon.
Enjoy Steph.
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