Friday, 27 July 2018

Back To Where It All Began

It's been a while since I've posted on this little space of the internet. I haven't given up my love for Blogging though. In early 2017, I decided to become self-hosted and, it was the best decision I've made for my blog and Photography.

I became very unmotivated with creating content on here late 2016. But in January last year, I relaunched on a new platform and got into my Photography again as I travelled a lot. Starting with Dubai and Canada and ending up in Disney World. Also visiting New York in March this year,  I was full of motivation to write and create again and fell back in love with Photography. I have missed this blog, as I had started in 2012, this was my baby. I have decided to bring it back with topics such as Travel,  Lifestyle and reviews again and I am very excited. I do cringe a lot at these old posts but, I feel it shows I've come along way and have improved a lot. Blogging has helped me become a better writer and I am thankful for it. I have had so many amazing opportunities from being a finalist in a top UK Blog Awards ceremony, to reviewing shows and interviewing actors. Most recently being Disney's Fantasia experience in The Vault's in London.  So yes they're cringe-worthy but also a personal development.

Creating this blog in 2012 was an escape for me from my Mental Health and a platform to share my Photography with the world. It excited me as I hoped to inspire others. Getting to go to blogger events and then be asked to take photos for the event itself was an incredible opportunity. I got to meet amazing people with similar interests at these events and through Social Media and it has given me the best friends I could have ever asked for. Creating this blog was the best decision I have ever made.

I can't wait to refresh this blog and bring it back to life.


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